
David Brown and Peter Schneider

A Partnership of Note

Euro Notes Gifts has partnered with Euro Note Souvenir to become the exclusive U.S. distributor of Irish Commemorative 0 Euro Banknotes. Euro Note Souvenir is the Irish licensee for the popular Commemorative 0 Euro Banknotes being produced in various countries around Europe. These popular souvenir notes have the look and feel of real money, and

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Ireland Commemorative 0 Euro Banknote

Irish Commemorative 0 Euro Banknote of Ireland’s Most Beloved Sites

  This Commemorative 0 Euro Banknote of Ireland is a favorite souvenir in our collection of Limited Edition notes from Euronote Gifts. It highlights 5 of the most popular tourist attractions on the island, including Blarney Castle, the Celtic Cross, the Cliffs of Moher, Giant’s Causeway and the Round Tower. Experience Europe in a completely

Irish Commemorative 0 Euro Banknote of Ireland’s Most Beloved Sites Read More »